Obesity Sucks!

Are you over 100 pounds and resigned that the weight will never come off?

(Then the following may be of help)

Imagine if you will…

You have been living a life of obesity for years. And as you get older, your health has steadily declined.

You question your quality of life.

You have tried everything to lose weight.

And if you do lose some weight, something will throw you off track and you gain it all back, plus extra pounds.

You think of yourself as a failure because you cant seem to lose the weight long term.

Everyone says how easy it is to lose weight.

“Just eat a little less and exercise a little more”.

“Everything in moderation”.

If you hear how easy it is one more time your going to scream!

You have done it the so called “easy” way…

You have even tired to starve yourself thin.

And each time you fail, you either beat yourself up…

Or you stick your head in the sand and ignore the emotional pain of failing once again…

Until there comes a day when you decide to try again.

Which starts the cycle all over…

For more than 8 years you have repeated the cycle, and each year your health becomes progressively worse.

It gets to the point that you are in pain 24/7.

You have no energy…

Your whole body aches, your legs are tired and you feel weak all the time.

Your feet are so swollen with inflammation you think they are going to burst.

And sadly, you secretly hope they would if doing so would relieve the pain.

You are mentally exhausted.

You have no stamina.

Your outlook on life is dreary at best.

You will not admit it, but you are not living a life anymore, you are just living with pain and exhaustion…trying to get through each day.

You have no desire to go out or do anything.

You are just plain tired…

You are beat down.

You wonder how much longer you can continue to live this way.

And then it gets worse.

The pain is unbearable.

Your lower legs are so swollen that clear liquid is leaking out of your shin…

Let me interrupt this “imagining exercise” for a moment.

If this was you, what would you do to get relief?

Would you do ANYTHING?

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