What I had you imagine is what I have been through.

My life…

I am sure there is more that I am not remembering because I have blocked out a lot of the pain over the years.

And not just the physical pain.

The emotional pain of obesity is real.

That pain will be with me for a long time.

As I write this I can feel the darkness of those struggles.

While healthy people believe that it is just a matter of eating less and exercising a little more, there are a whole bunch of issues going on for obese people.

And though I do not know the pains you have went through, you may have related to some of the things I have been through.

But lets be serious, if it was that easy, to “eat less and exercise a bit more”, don’t you think I would have?

I did all that, and it seemed even when I tried to starve myself thin, my weight wouldn’t budge.

I always thought there was something I was missing to lose weight.

And if I could just figure it out, things would improve.

Many years ago, my doctor asked me if I was interested in gastric bypass surgery.

I told him that I would think about it.

But inside I was saying “hell no!”.

There was no way I was going that route.

I would either figure out what to do, or…basically give up.

But as you read on the previous page, my life got pretty bad.

My life was fast approaching a cliff.

At least that is how I look at it now.

I could not continue on the path I was going.

I don’t know how many years I had left, but fortunately I made a correction that has changed my life for the better.

The turning point was the hole in my shin that was leaking fluid (and the pain of inflammation).

As I looked into the cause and how to get the quickest relief possible, I read about diabetic amputation.

Scary stuff!

That’s when I saw my life flash in front of my eyes.

More correctly, I saw myself losing a limb. And that was NOT going to happen.

I don’t know about you, but there was no way I was going to go willingly and have my lower leg cut off.

I started reading some articles on inflammation and how that causes swelling in the body.

And while I was reading, I came across some remedies to lower inflammation.

Which led me to what I had been looking for over the years…

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