If what I wrote on the last page was not enough, about ‘cutting carbs to lose weight’, now I am going to go against more conventional wisdom.

So whats the next conventional wisdom I am going to go against now?

It’s fat, specifically saturated fats.

We have been told for the last 40 years that saturated fat was bad for us.

And from what I have read, fats AND carbs in combination are not good for us.

But when carbs are eliminated, saturated fats are not the evil they have been portrayed as being.

Another google search you can do is “lipid hypothesis”

What you will find is that all the talk about saturated fats raising cholesterol which in turns causes heart disease may not have been based on hard science.

What ever the case maybe, I needed to improve my health as quickly as possible.

And when I read that cutting carbs and increasing “good” saturated fats was the way to lower inflammation and lose weight, the only thing I could think of was “what do I have to lose?”

As I wrote, I had tried everything.

And I didn’t have the will power to starve myself thin.

I was already heading off a cliff anyways.

But back to saturated fats.

What I would like to get across is not all fats are the same.

I think of the fats that we have been told are good for us, vegetable oils, canola oil, margarine (the manufactured oils) as synthetic nutrition.

Or maybe counterfeit nutrition.

And better oils?

Top of my list is grass fed butter.

Next is cold press coconut oil (and MCT oil which is a refined coconut oil) and olive oil.

And then are the fats you get from eating meats.

That includes bacon!

But it doesn’t take much fat to get the calories in.

And when you cut out carbs, it is necessary to replace them with fats and leave your protein levels around the same or slightly raise them.

But I also believe when I added saturated fats in larger quantities, my mood improved drastically.

Do a google search on “low carb diets” or “nutritional ketogenic diets” you will find a lot of information out there.

When I started this way of eating I focused on medical professionals and researchers on youtube for my information.

Then I started reading their books.

Dr Eric Westman is the person I followed starting out and you can find a presentation of his on youtube.

I would also suggest looking for Dr Volek and Dr Phinney on youtube.

They also have a great book called “The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living”.

It goes deeper into the technical side of a ketogenic diet.

You can get it on Amazon by clicking here.

While all the above is important, how has it helped me?

Have I seen any improvement?

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