I think now would be a good time to fill you in on some additional information about me.

Where I wrote about the part I got my wake up call… the leg leaking clear fluid.

That was at the end of April 2015.

I was 475 pounds…sigh

I had been that heavy for about 10 years.

During that time I got up over 500 pounds.

I am not proud of any of that, of course.

But I wasn’t exaggerating when I wrote the part of being resigned to a life obesity.

Nothing worked.

Also in April 2015 I was 52.5 and as I wrote, my health had been getting progressively worse.

I had no energy, and I got tired of people telling me how I could lose the weight if I just tried a little harder.

All I needed to do was the whole “eat a little less and exercise a little more” thing.

I tried to explain that I was eating less, and I had no freaking energy to even think.

Anytime I even thought about any kind of physical exertion, it was like my mind would just turn off.

I don’t know any other way to explain it.

So when I tell you that 2 weeks after cutting out the carbs my pain went away…

You shouldn’t be surprised when I tell you that it was a miracle to me.

Even now as I type this (9 months after I started), I tear up thinking about being pain free and how bad my life was back then.

And how grateful I am for where I am at today.

I am just starting my 9th month.

I am down 60 pounds.

And while I am not exercising yet, my brain does not shut off thinking about doing any kind of physical exertion.

The strength in my legs and stamina are improving.

And if all that wasn’t enough…

My mood and mental clarity has improved so much, it is night and day compared to where I am at now from where I started.

Will going no (or low) carb work for you?

I honestly don’t know.

I read posts of people having success eating a ketogenic (low carb) diet all the time.

I also read of people “trying” to go low carb, but when digging deeper, they are not going low carb, they are trying to have it both ways and they fall off the wagon, or don’t lose weight immediately and give up.

I guess thats not surprising, we are so used to instant gratification.

But this is a way of eating, not a fad diet or quick fix, it just doesn’t work that way.

I believe some people have to get healthy first (that does not mean weight loss), to heal the damage of years of poor eating, then the weight starts to come off.

And that is hard for people to understand.

Also some people lose weight really fast, but others do not.

We can’t compare ourselves to other people.

Everyone is different.

And one size does not fit all.

So, again, will it work for you?

I just don’t know.

The only way you will know is if you commit to doing it and don’t try to keep your feet in both worlds.

Basically, don’t try this way of eating and eat your cake (or favorite carbs) too…

Because the phrase “everything in moderation” will keep you from losing the weight.

I tried that moderation thing and it didn’t work for me.

If it works for you, more power to you.

But it wasn’t until I “cut the carbs” that I have been able to lose the weight without suffering, starvation or deprivation.

I am not saying its easy, because its not.

After all these years of being overweight, I definitely have an emotional addiction to food.

I have to stay on my toes and pay attention!

While I didn’t have the will power to starve myself thin…

I do have the will power to keep myself on the right track.

Now you know what I found that has worked for me.

And while I have a long way to go, I know that I will reach my destination.

Because I now have hope for a better life.

My life is already better…

I hope that you have learned a thing or two that will help you move forward with your weight loss journey.

If your interested in learning about my Low Carb Quick Start Guide…

click continue…