The Low Carb High Fat Quick Start Guide is still being created…


You can read below to see what I am planning on.


In the meantime, you can get ‘A Million Calories to Lose’ PDF (just below this text is the subscribe option) and get on the e-mail list where I will send out a notice when the Quick Start Guide is available.

For those of you that sign up for ‘A Million Calories to Lose’ now, I will also send you a rough version of the Quick Start Guide to get your feed back when completed.

I would welcome any comments to my e-mails, as I wrote in the previous pages, obese people have unique issues. 

I believe that the condition of obesity is misunderstood and “normal weight people” can NOT appreciate the struggles we go through.

(below is what I have written so far about the guide)

So what is the Low Carb High Fat Quick Start Guide?

First… I want to be clear that I am not a medical professional and I suggest that you find a doctor that will work with you if you decide to try a low carb approach.

You may have to ask a few before you find a supportive one, but they are out there.

So please don’t do anything reckless with your health.

This way of eating is not a fad or a short term process.

I wrote the information in the guide as if I was going to tell my younger self from 8 years ago how to get started.

I have condensed all the information I have gathered over the past 9 months into a brief report on what I have done to finally lose the weight with out suffering or starvation.

The guide is meant to start someone on the right track for the first 6 months.

To get traction in the right direction.

And while I praise what eating a low carb diet has done for me, I don’t think it is a “cure all” for everyone.

But it got me on the right track and perhaps it will for you too.

So what is included? 3 PDF’s.

The first one is “A Million Calories to Lose”.

In it I write in more detail of what I discussed in the previous pages.

I also go over some of my history.

It also has additional resources to learn more about eating low carb.

The second PDF is “LCHF Quick Start Guide”.

In it I write about 5 key points to keep in mind.

My thoughts on what to eat.

I wrote it not to overwhelm but to give the basics to get going.

The third PDF is “But I Still Want Carbs”.

Just a couple of pages on my thoughts if you are going to have carbs what to keep in mind.

I have cut out carbs completely and am doing well with out them.

But I also understand some people may have a hard time making the transition and I discuss some thoughts on the matter.