Below are some of the books that have helped me change my lifestyle and get on the path to a slimmer life.
The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living

This is a really good book about the Low Carb Lifestyle from Doctors Volek and Phinney.  There are some good videos on the web from these two also.

This is the book I gave to my doctor explaining what I was going to do to lose weight and asked her to support me.

Why We Get Fat

Gary Taubes “Why We get Fat” is a must read to understand the history of eating low carb.  LCHF is not some new fad or radical diet!  Gary goes into detail with the studies supporting a Low Carb Lifestyle.

I pretty much highlighted the whole book, it was that good!

The Second Low-Carbohydrate Revolution

Where Gary Taubes wrote about past studies supporting a Low Carb Lifestyle, Richard David Feinman is a professor of biochemistry and uses his knowledge of how scientific and research papers are created.  He then explains how today’s accepted nutritional advice is based on faulty (and biased) studies.

I have a hard time not writing more, least I sound like a conspiracy theorist with a tin foil hat…read it for yourself!

If you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber you can check this book out for free…